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Anonymous Credit Cards: Safe and easy to Obtain

There are probably few people in the world who, at some time, haven’t used a credit or debit card. These financial tools make life easy because they allow us to make online and physical payments without major problems and in addition, they minimize the risk of rackets, because the person doesn’t actually use real cash, but simply a piece of plastic; however, we can also forget that, with the development racketing techniques, cases of phishing have multiplied, so that even with a credit or debit card you can’t feel safe.
To all of this add that more and more, governments are observing their citizens’ financial movements and that these have lost a large amount of their privacy. In this conflicting context, the interest of people has increased, in more than a few countries, in obtaining anonymous credit cards with which the same operations as traditional cards can be carried out, but with a greater margin of anonymity.
The first element that experts emphasize is that no credit card is completely anonymous. This means that almost all issuers of anonymous credit cards require connecting a name to the card and this requires documents. Nonetheless, there are also certain businesses that offer anonymous credit cards without needing to present ID documents. This type of cards usually has very low limits. Actually, the anonymity of anonymous credit cards is given by two elements: the card isn’t linked to a bank account and so it is more difficult to trace and, in addition, fiduciary businesses and legal offices offer the possibility of creating anonymous credit cards with a name-lender.
Anonymous credit cards are from prestigious companies like Visa and MasterCard, but the cards aren’t directly linked to a bank account, although they allow you to refill through various mechanisms like bank transfers, for example. The fact of not being connected to a bank account is an element highly valued by clients because with an anonymous credit card you can only spend what you have on the card. In case of theft you only lose what has been charged onto the anonymous credit card, and racketeers can never access your bank account.
Another way to increase your privacy with anonymous credit cards is through the use of name-lenders. This service is offered by fiduciary companies and legal offices and it’s easy to understand how it works. You don’t want your name to appear on an anonymous credit card so, through a business or office, you contract with another person whose name will appear on the card. The office will send you a copy of this person’s ID documents as well as receipts from electricity or land line payments. With all these data, it will be possible to use the anonymous credit cards in e-wallets like PayPal, Payoneer and betting sites.
The name-lender service is a little more expensive than others that are more traditional, bit it is very effective because you can make online purchases without problems and withdraw cash from ATMs with anonymous credit cards, although you must be careful if you decide to make purchases in a physical shop; the shopkeeper could ask for an ID and this, logically, won’t coincide with the name that appears on the anonymous credit card.
Anonymous credit cards have been placed as a excellent opportunity for all those who desire having the advantages of anonymous credit cards, maintaining maximum security and, especially, anonymity.
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